pendule bronze marbre noir style empire retour d'egypte Cléopâtre horloger deleyderrière & chantre

pendule style empire retour d’Égypte
corps en  marbre noir  statue sculpture en bronze a belle patine brune 
 Cléopâtre qui s'admire dans un miroir 
la statue est en bonne condition , elle ne présente aucun manque , 
le corps de pendule en marbre noir est a nettoyer car il y a quelques traces blanchâtre

son mouvement de paris est a restaurer , le ressort qui entraîne les aiguille est a remettre en place 
son cadran émaillé est en bonne condition , le ressort qui actionne la sonnerie  fonctionne parfaitement , il sonne les heures et les demi heures d'un son cristallin 
sur son cadran émaillé est inscrit :
  deleyderrière & chantre
Genève   paris 
livré avec une clé et son balancier qui lui est d'origine 
elle est de belle proportion et elle  est  surtout très très lourde .
hauteur:   45 cm =  17.716 inches 
largeur:    36 cm = 14.17 inches 
 a restaurer et a nettoyer , dans son jus , sorti du fond d'atelier d'horloger

antique french clock Pendulum style empire return from Egypt
black marble statue bronze sculpture body has beautiful brown patina
  Cleopatra who admires in the mirror
the statue is in good condition, it has no lack,
the pendulum body in black marble is to clean because there are few white traces

paris his movement is to restore the spring that drives the needle was put in place
its enamel dial is in good condition, the spring which activates the buzzer works perfectly, it sounds the hours and half hours of crystal clear sound
its enamel dial is inscribed:
   deleyderrière & cantor
Geneva paris
comes with a key and its balance to it original
she is beautiful proportion and is especially very heavy.
height: 45 cm = 17,716 inches
width: 36 cm = 14.17 inches
  to restore and clean in his juice out of the watchmaking workshop background

antique french clock Pendulum style empire return from Egypt
black marble statue bronze sculpture body has beautiful brown patina
  Cleopatra who admires in the mirror
the statue is in good condition, it has no lack,
the pendulum body in black marble is to clean because there are few white traces

paris his movement is to restore the spring that drives the needle was put in place
its enamel dial is in good condition, the spring which activates the buzzer works perfectly, it sounds the hours and half hours of crystal clear sound
its enamel dial is inscribed:
   deleyderrière & cantor
Geneva paris
comes with a key and its balance to it original
she is beautiful proportion and is especially very heavy.
height: 45 cm = 17,716 inches
width: 36 cm = 14.17 inches
  to restore and clean in his juice out of the watchmaking workshop background
