tourne broche de cheminée rôtissoire mécanique XIXeme brochettes lardoirs lèche frite flambadou , ensemble complet
idéal pour vos brochettes de grives , sa poignée de remontage est en porcelaine . le dessus du tourne broche est richement ouvragé . il sagit d'un superbe ensemble de belle facture .
il fonctionne a 1,8 kg maxi , réservé au brochettes de grives , la vis sans fin a été réparée (voir photos).
les broches mesurent: 76 cm = 29,9213 inches
il sagit d'un gros et très lourd tourne broche.
hauteur : 40 cm = 15,748 inches
hello, here is a spit chimney spit, a mechanical roaster of the nineteenth century for your skewers one of the pins is equipped with larders, it is a complete set, also delivered with its fried nick commonly called flat juice., as well as a flambadou to sprinkle bacon juice with your game and of course the tripod.
ideal for your thrush skewers, its handle is porcelain. the top of the spindle is richly crafted. it is a beautiful set of beautiful bill.
it works at 1.8 kg maximum, reserved for thrush skewers, the worm has been repaired (see photos).
the pins measure: 76 cm = 29.9213 inches
it is a big and very heavy turn spit.
height: 40 cm = 15,748 inches
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