ancienne pendule élégante art nouveau sur marbre mouvement de paris
a restaurer
sa sculpture ou statue est superbe et en bon état.
le marbre n'est pas d'origine sur le tour
son cadran émaillé a guirlandes de fleurs est orné de deux aiguilles dorées finement et extrêmement ouvragées
son mouvement de paris fonctionne mais il est a a réviser,lorsqu'il aura été révisé il sonnera les heures et les demi heures d'un son cristallin
a restaurer
sa sculpture ou statue est superbe et en bon état.
le marbre n'est pas d'origine sur le tour
son cadran émaillé a guirlandes de fleurs est orné de deux aiguilles dorées finement et extrêmement ouvragées
son mouvement de paris fonctionne mais il est a a réviser,lorsqu'il aura été révisé il sonnera les heures et les demi heures d'un son cristallin
hauteur 34 centimeter = 13,38 inches height
44 x 15 cm = 17,32 x 5,90 inches

old pendulum elegant marble paris art nouveau movement
to be restored
his sculpture or statue is beautiful and in good condition.
marble is not original on tour
its enamel dial has garlands of flowers is decorated with two fine golden needles and highly engineered
paris his movement works but it is aa review, when it has been revised it will sound the hours and half hours of crystal clear sound
to be restored
his sculpture or statue is beautiful and in good condition.
marble is not original on tour
its enamel dial has garlands of flowers is decorated with two fine golden needles and highly engineered
paris his movement works but it is aa review, when it has been revised it will sound the hours and half hours of crystal clear sound
34 centimeter height = 13.38 inches height
44 x 15 cm = 17.32 x 5.90 inches
old pendulum elegant marble paris art nouveau movement
to be restored
his sculpture or statue is beautiful and in good condition.
marble is not original on tour
its enamel dial has garlands of flowers is decorated with two fine golden needles and highly engineered
paris his movement works but it is aa review, when it has been revised it will sound the hours and half hours of crystal clear sound
to be restored
his sculpture or statue is beautiful and in good condition.
marble is not original on tour
its enamel dial has garlands of flowers is decorated with two fine golden needles and highly engineered
paris his movement works but it is aa review, when it has been revised it will sound the hours and half hours of crystal clear sound
34 centimeter height = 13.38 inches height
44 x 15 cm = 17.32 x 5.90 inches

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